Doctors of all Specialties | Multilingual Staff | All Insurances Accepted

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Find doctors in Athens 24/7

Looking for a reliable doctor in Athens?

We focus on your medical needs! Now, you can travel all around Lefkada with your insurance travelling with you!
doctors of all specialties

Simple, supportive healthcare

We have treated over 60.000 patients. Keeping the Hippocratic Oath is not an event, it is a commitment!

Certified doctors specialized in a wide range of medical fields.

Our primary goal is to ensure that holidaymakers as well as the local community have access to experienced medical staff on a round -the-clock basis.

Ambulance Service

Emergency Hotline

I-ASSIST provides a 24/7 emergency call center to ensure round-the-clock accessibility to urgent medical assistance.

family doctor

Our healthcare blog

We accept all major insurance plans.

Please call us at +30210700020 and we’ll help you out.